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The conference includes sections on the philosophy and history of
(1) Neokantianism in Context, (2) mathematics, (3) biology, (4) psychology and anthropology, (5) physics, and (6) chemistry and technology.

Sunday, MAR 13th: 7.30pm Welcome Dinner


9:00am // Welcome

Section 1 - Neokantianism in Context
9:15am // Paul Ziche:
Systems After the Systems. The Transmission and Transformation ofScienticity Between the Idealists and the Neo-Kantians

10:15am // Gerhard Heinzmann:
`Critique de la Science' and Conventionalism in France

11:00am // Coffee break

11:15pm // Sebastian Luft:
Factum and Region. Neo-Kantian and Phenomenological Paradigms for a Philosophy of Science

12:00pm // Michael Stoeltzner:

Positivism and Empirical Realism - Episodes from a Changing Relationship

12:45pm // Neokantianism in Context: Section discussion

1:00pm // Break for lunch

Section 2 - Mathematics

2:00pm // Volker Peckhaus:
(Neo-)Kantian Foundations of Foundations: The Göttingen Case

3:00pm // Klaus Volkert:

Non-Euclidean Geometries and Axiomatics

3:45pm // Coffee break

4:15pm // Dolf Rami:
The Legacy of Kant's Conception of Existence

5:00pm // Francesca Biagioli:
Cassirer on the Concept of Number: A Neo-Kantian Perspective on Dedekindian Abstraction

5:45pm // Daniel Koenig:
From Magnitudes to Real Numbers. Cantor's and Dedekind's Number Extensions and Their Reception in Neo-Kantianism

6:30pm // Mathematics: Section discussion

8:00pm // Dinner


Section 3 - Biology

9:15am // Georg Toepfer:
Philosophy of Biology in Neokantianism { A Comprehensive and Systematic Account Parallel to and Apart from the Formation of the Field

10:15am // Myriam Gerhard:

Hypothesis vs. Fact. Theories of Evolution Following Darwin and Haeckel

11:00am // Coffee break

11:30am // Christian Reiß:
Laying the Foundation for a Science of Life: the Role of Neo-Kantian Philosophies and Philosophers to the Project of a "Allgemeine Biologie" and a "Theoretische Biologie", 1880-1914

12:15pm // Marco Tamborini:
Organic Form and Teleology: The Principle of Analogy

1:00pm // Break for lunch

2:00pm // Social Event (Botanical Garden)

3:00pm // Jan Baedke:
The Decline of Neo-Kantianism and Rise of Theoretical Biology in the Interwar Period

3:45pm // Biology: Section discussion
4:00pm // Coffee break
Section 4 - Psychology & Anthropolgy

4:30pm // Christian Krijnen:
The Problem of Psychology in Neo-Kantianism. On the Relevance of Richard Hönigswald

5:30pm // Michele Vagnetti:
Hermann Lotze and His Reception by the Neo-Kantians
7:00pm // Dinner


Section 4 - Psychology & Anthropolgy

9:15am // Jörn Bohr:
Why Psychology in Neokantianism? Some Remarks on "Southwestern" Contributions

10:00pm // Stefan Reiners-Selbach:
The Challenge of "Leipziger Völkerpsychologie"? The Neokantian Reception of Wundt's "Psychology of Peoples"

10:45am // Coffee break
11:15am // Hans-Ulrich Lessing:
Descriptive or Reconstructive Psychology. On Natorp's Critique of Dilthey
Mathematics section discussion

12:00pm // Psychology & Anthropology: Section discussion

12:15pm // Break for lunch

Section 5 - Physics
1:15pm // Helmut Pulte:
Clouds over Classical Physics? Some Neokantian Perspectives on Kant's Preeminent 'Science of Princicples' and 'System of the Empirical'
2:15pm // Marij van Strien:
Did Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Weaken the Classical Worldview?

3:00pm // Coffee break

3:30pm // Marco Giovanelli:
Substantiality vs. Variability. Kurd Lasswitz and his Influence on Marburg Neokantianism

4:15pm // Gregor Schiemann:
Hermann von Helmholtz on the Unification of Science

5:00pm // Robert DiSalle:
Intuition, Evidence, and the World of Modern Physics
5:45pm // Physics: Section discussion
7:00pm // Dinner


8:15am // Departure hotel

Section 6 - Chemistry & Technology
8:45am // Alfred Nordmann & Cheryce von Xylander:
Kantian Themes in Impure Science (Neokantianism and the Sciences of Technology and Synthetic Chemistry)

9:45am // Ralph Cahn:
Little Affinity, Even Less Appreciation – the Relationship of Chemistry and Philosophy Reflected in the Works and in the Reception of Gustav Tschermak (1860) and Ernst Cassirer (1910)
10:30am // Coffee break

10:45am // Rudolf Meer:
Between Physical and Chemical Atomism. On the Status of Chemical Elements and Classifications in Helmholtz and Cassirer

11:30am // Henny Blomme:
Cassirer's Relational Conception of Chemistry

12:15pm // Break for lunch
// Tim-Florian Steinbach:

Technology in Neo-Kantianism: Challenge in Times of Cultural Change or Just a Tool for Applied Sciences?
2:00pm // Chemistry & Technology: Section discussion

2:15pm // Social Event (Tour Zeche Zollern)
3:30pm // Final discussion

4:00pm // End

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